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Achillea millefolium.jpg


  • Botanical Name : Achillea millefolium
  • Other Names : arrowroot
  • CAS Number :
  • Origin :

Extraction Method

  • Parts Used :
  • Solvent Extraction
  • Physical Description :

Olfactory Description

  • Family :
  • Perfumery Note:

Chemical Constituents

  • 1-octene 0.03
  • Santolina Triene 0.34
  • Tricyclene 0.04
  • alpha-thujene 0.22
  • alpha-pinene 5.44
  • Camphene 0.95
  • Sabinene 13.17
  • beta-pinene 18.70
  • Myrcene 0.64
  • Pinene isomer 0.11
  • Yomogi alcohol 0.22
  • alpha-phellandrene 0.08
  • alpha-terpinene 0.50
  • para-cymene 1.60
  • Limonene 3.85
  • 1,8-cineole 10.60
  • beta-ocimene<(Z) 0.17
  • beta-ocimene<(E) 0.26
  • Artemisia ketone 5.74
  • cis-sabinene hydrate 0.11
  • Artemisia alcohol 0.27
  • Terpinolene 0.14
  • Linalool 0.35
  • trans-sabinene hydrate 0.12
  • Isocitral 1 0.04
  • Chrysanthenone 0.07
  • trans-pinocarveol 0.07
  • Camphor 4.75
  • trans-chrysanthamal 0.04
  • Artemisyl acetate 0.25
  • Borneol 0.74
  • Terpinen-4-ol 2.18
  • alpha-terpineol 1.95
  • trans-chrysanthenyl acetate 0.30
  • 4-Thujen-2.alpha.-yl acetate. 0.26
  • Ethyl chrysenthmumate<imp> 0.12
  • Bornyl acetate 0.98
  • cis-ascaridol glycol 0.03
  • alpha-copaene 0.16
  • alpha-bourbonene 0.17
  • trans-caryophyllene 10.01
  • beta-copaene <beta> 0.06
  • alpha-trans-bergamotene 0.05
  • beta-farnesene-Z 0.09
  • beta-arnesene<(E) 1.30
  • alpha-humulene 1.12
  • Germacrene D 6.51
  • Isobicyclogeramcrene 0.03
  • Bicyclogermacrene 0.63
  • alpha-muurolene 0.04
  • alpha-farnesene<(E,E) 0.07
  • delta-cadinene 0.13
  • beta-sesquiphellandrene 0.08
  • Nerolidol<E-> 0.08
  • Spathulenol 0.07
  • Caryophyllene oxide 0.70
  • alpha-eudesmol 0.11
  • isospathulenol 0.08
  • alpha-bisabolol 0.14
  • Chamazulene 2.97

