Wild Chamomile

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  • Botanical Name : Ormenis multicaulis
  • Other Names : Moroccan Chamomile
  • CAS Number : 92202-02-3
  • Origin : northwestern Africa

Extraction Method

  • Parts Used : stem & flower
  • Solvent Extraction
  • Physical Description : yellow to green brown clear liquid

Olfactory Description

  • Family : Herbal
  • Perfumery Note:
  • chamomile herbal sweet fruity balsamic herbacoeus greenhoney ambery amber powdery dry hay

Chemical Constituents

  • 13 2.30 artemisyl alcohol

28 2.50 bisabolene 19 1.00 borneol 20 2.20 bornyl acetate 26 1.30 bornyl butyrate 23 0.30 iso bornyl propionate 30 0.80 delta- cadinene 334 0.50 cadinol 4 0.40 camphene 33 0.70 caryophylladienol 27 1.50 beta- caryophyllene 32 0.80 caryophyllene oxide 9 0.50 1,8- cineole 24 0.30 alpha- cubebene 16 0.30 2,7- dimethyl octa-3,6-dien-2-ol 22 0.70 delta- elemene 29 5.00 germacrene 21 0.20 hexyl tiglate 10 0.80 limonene 15 0.30 linalool 7 1.00 myrcene 31 0.30 nerolidol 6 0.10 1- octen-3-ol 3 15.00 alpha- pinene 17 3.00 trans- pinocarveol 18 0.50 pinocarvone 5 0.20 sabinene 11 3.20 santolina alcohol 1 0.40 santolinatriene 25 0.30 beta- selinene 12 0.10 gamma- terpinene 14 0.25 terpinolene 2 0.04 tricyclene 8 2.40 yomogi alcohol
